Monday, March 26, 2012

Jumping Jodhpurs - Now that's HOT!

One of the many roadside mounds
of red hot chili peppers festooning
in the Rajasthani sun
Five hours after leaving Jaisalmer we reached Jodhpur, the cultural and judicial capital of Rajasthan.

On the way we stopped at a local market to look at one of Rajasthan’s most sought after products - red hot chili peppers.  In the 40 degree heat the powerful aroma from the huge piles of peppers hit us hard. Don’t breathe in!

Jodhpur - The Blue City 

While Jaisalmer is referred to as the Golden City, Jodhpur is known as the Blue City. In the past the Brahmins coloured their houses blue although nowadays this practice is widely copied.

From atop the magnificent Mehrangarh Fort the profusion of blue from the houses in the town below seemed to create translucent hues in the sunshine, blending with the rising dust.

Mehrangarh Fort - A show stopper
in the fort world
The Mehrangarh Fort built in 1459 was constructed on a rocky ridge and the fortification rises perpendicular from its foundation on the hillside, making it a staggering sight - reminiscent of toy forts we played with as children.

Greeted by incredible views of impossibly
straight sightlines you crane your neck -
but watch your footing on the uneven cobbles!
The royal family vacated the Fort some years ago and now reside in a stylish palace on the other side of town (half of which has been taken over by the Taj hotel chain).  The Fort is well preserved with an impressive museum showcasing examples of royal customs, culture and battles.

It’s a steep walk from the main entrance through the various courtyards and gates - looking up at the towering turrets you are drawn to crane your neck to study the peaks of the incredibly beautiful buildings, all meticulously carved in sandstone.

Mehrangarh Fort is one of the best preserved forts in India - it’s a treasure and one that will keep you wondering how on earth it was ever constructed in the first place.

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