Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Big Fat Indian Wedding

It felt like Venice but this was
Bikaner's Junagarh Fort
Appearing from the dust like a mirage, the desert town of Bikaner has a medieval feel about it. 

The impressive Junagarh Fort built in the late 1500s dominates the old city and provides colourful images of the life of the maharajahs with  intricate carvings, etchings and paintings decorating the many apartments and courtyards. 

Adventures with bangles made
for someone half my size
The narrow streets of the old city were certainly worth investigating.  We faced the usual barrage of camels, auto rickshaws, cows and motorbikes but relished the scenes of every day life as people shopped, ate, bartered and listened intently to the latest cricket scores on old fashioned transistor radios.

Women wore the most exquisite, colourful saris. The filmy fabric positively floated as they walked, bangles jangling. Shopping bags were balanced steadily on heads as women made their way through the market.  A quiet elegance amidst the chaos.

Amused onlookers watch
the bangle fitting
I found myself caught up and compelled to buy some colourful bangles, causing a stir as the merchant worked hard to force the narrow bracelets over my wide wrists.  After 6 bangles I called the proceedings to a halt paying for the full box she had intended to adorn me with.

Back at the hotel, great preparations were underway for the wedding reception of a local couple who apparently have lots of friends.

The bride and her attendant
welcome wedding guests
We were told that 15,000 people were expected to attend the wedding banquet and an army of human ants were setting the stage on the lawns in front of the hotel for the party.  

Wedding guests eat in shifts and we learned later that all foreign visitors at the hotel were also invited to join the dinner, their presence bringing good luck to the happy couple.

A member of the wedding party on
 the phone - a preoccupation of the
crowd it seemed
We watched the proceedings with great interest as friendly guests introduced themselves, patting their well dressed children with admiration and pride. Cooks brought plates loaded with interesting looking pungent snacks. All of a sudden I’m longing for a hamburger and fries.

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